
Monday, June 6, 2011

How I Mastered My Master Bath

Hello again friends :) Today I want to show you some of the things I've done with my master bathroom. I did these things before I was in the bloggy mindset, so I didn't take a lot of good "before" pics. However, I'm going to try to piece together a good idea of a "before" for you. So first, here is an incredibly professional floor plan of our bathroom. Not to scale.

One of the first problems that I had was that we only have one linen closet on our second floor for all the bedrooms AND two full bathrooms. It just wasn't enough storage space. And, as you can see in our bathroom, there wasn't much storage or even surface area to put anything. All the stuff that we used on a daily basis, like his razor, my make up and hair stuff, etc., was just always sitting out on the counter. Not fun. Also, the mirror was just a regular builder mirror (read: ugly) and the towel rack/toilet paper holder was even worse.

Enter: solutions. See how the toilet is sort of tucked back into a little pocket in the floor plan? Perfect spot for "built-in" shelves. Also, to the left of the toilet, there's that blank wall next to the door, which would be perfect for some sort of counter/cabinet space. I spent a lot of time looking at different cabinet options, from a DIY cabinet/countertop to buying a vanity and replacing the top with regular counter, to buying a cabinet. I wanted a cabinet with doors AND drawers, which wasn't as easy to find as it sounds. I finally settled on this beauty from overstock.com:

It was actually advertised as a kitchen cabinet, but it works perfectly in the bathroom. It's tall, and not too deep so that when you walk into the bathroom, you don't hit your hip on the corner. That was the easy part. Now, on to the mirror. Instead of buying a whole new (expensive) mirror, I decided instead to frame it in. There are a few steps involved in this, the most complicated of which, I think, is getting the right measurements. I'll give a step-by-step in a later post, but for now, I'm going to give you some instant gratification and show you the end result :)

I LOVE the effect that it has on the whole bathroom. Such an easy update. Next: the DIY "built-ins." One of my favorite projects so far.

To give you perspective (in case you're deeply worried about how this matches up with the floor plan), this is above the toilet. This has truly opened up SO much space in the linen closet for towels. Not only that, but let me tell you how nice it is when the toilet paper holder is empty (because SOMEBODY uses the last and doesn't replace it. Oh wait...that's usually me), there's more right there. No need to sit there drip drying while you contemplate how on Earth you're going to get out of the predicament you've found yourself in and get yourself some toilet paper. It's also nice when you get out of the shower and decide this towel has a funky smell because you've used it one day too many and you want a clean one, and you don't have to do the naked/wet/cold dance to the closet to get it. These are the important things.

In this next pic, you can see the other little project I worked on to improve the storage issues, my earring hanger.

This has been SO nice when I'm getting ready to go somewhere. No more searching in the closet/on the dresser/on the other dresser/maybe I left them in the living room/maybe the cat batted them under the couch when I'm trying to put some earrings on. They're right there, right next to my perfumes and lotions and other whatnot that I need when I'm getting ready. So.much.easier. And it doubles as wall art. Score! Disclaimer: I saw this idea one night when I was endlessly jumping around blogland and I CANNOT find the original blog. If you have seen this before and know where it came from, or if you yourself are responsible for this awesome idea, please please please tell me so I can give you some credit!!

And finally, our solution to the ugly towel bar (which used to be above the toilet- my least favorite spot to hang my towel). We decided to do something a little different, and instead of a new towel bar, we got towel hooks. Let me tell you, WAY less of a pain to hang your towel. Yes, I recognize that you probably don't sit around and think, "you know, if there is one thing in my life that represents the largest hassle to me, it is definitely hanging my towel up." But if you were, you'd love a towel hook.

Eas-AY! So there you have it. My solutions to my dull, storage-less, plain bathroom. Again, I promise step-by-step tutorials on the mirror, the shelves, and the earring holder in later posts. So what do you think? What issues do you have in your bathroom and what have you done/are you doing/are you planning on doing to conquer it?? :)

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